Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Heal yourself with the power of kangen water


Kangen is a Japanese word, best translated into English as "Return To Original" which means several things when used to describe water.

Kangen water is simply an easier way of stating… Alkaline, ionized, anti-oxidant electron rich, restructured, micro clustered, active hydrogen saturated, oxidation reduced, powerful living water.It is trademarked and makes our lives a whole lot easier than having to say all this each time.
What the name brand Kleenex is to tissue paper we are to alkaline ionized water.Kangen Water is first purified, then given an electrical charge to recreateelectron rich water.It's molecular formula shifts from H2O to H+ OH-In plain old English.... It's now living water again.
Kangen water can Flush Toxins and Neutralize Acidity in your body.
Kangen water is water that has gone through a Special Electrolysis Process that changes the pH of the water to ALKALINE and much, much more.
First, it describes water returned to the state in which water was often foundin nature before the earth became polluted. Second, it implies that it will help to return your body to its original condition when you were young.
Kangen water is a powerful antioxidant, perhaps more powerful than any single food or vitamin supplement because Kangen water contains active hydrogen which supplies huge amounts of extra electrons to our body.
Most other water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in their water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not true Kangen water.
In fact, the antioxidant potential of a single glass of Kangen water would cost several dollars to duplicate with vitamin supplements, and they would never be absorbed by our body the way water is.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Common Behaviors and Problems of Adult ADHD

There are thousands of vitamins on the market for every ailment but have you considered the water you drink? please check out the Kangen Alkaline water machine, it removes all contaminates including chlorine and fluoride.

Our approach to disease has become very cause and effect. If you work in the sun too long, you are going to get burned. After you get burned, you might put on Aloe Vera - to ease the pain. Maybe the answer is to put on plenty of sun block before you mow the lawn. That makes sense, but the western way of thinking is to get sick and then take some medicine to treat the illness.

Why not keep your body at its most healthy level and prevent illness all together? There are many chronic ailments that are very easily preventable that plague America. Unfortunately, health care in the USA has become "sick care.""An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," so don't be reactive to disease and illness - be proactive in their prevention.

The following behaviors and problems may stem directly from ADHD or may be the result of related adjustment difficulties:
Chronic lateness and forgetfulness.
Low self-esteem.
Employment problems.
Difficulty controlling anger.
Substance abuse or addiction.
Poor organization skills.
Low frustration tolerance.
Chronic boredom.
Difficulty concentrating when reading.
Mood swings.
Relationship problems.

These behaviors may be mild to severe and can vary with the situation or be present all of the time. Some adults with ADHD may be able to concentrate if they are interested in or excited about what they are doing. Others may have difficulty focusing under any circumstances. Some adults look for stimulation, but others avoid it. In addition, adults with ADHD can be withdrawn and antisocial, or they can be overly social and unable to be alone.

Why Chlorine is Posion


Chlorine is added by city's to our water supply in order to remove bacteria, inaddition there are numerous products that we use everyday that contain chlorine. You should be concerned what your family drinks, uses and the harmful effects that will incur over time.
The widespread use of chlorine is causing far-flung and extremely serious risks to our health and the health of the environment. Unfortunately, this damage isn't easy to see at first glance.Only researchers using special tools and methods can observe it. Because the harmful effects of chlorine are hidden from direct view, we haven't had any reason to stop and think about the possibility that using it could be dangerous.After all, chlorine is so common it's sold in every supermarket in the country. True enough, but the evidence scientists have gathered seems to tell us that it shouldn't be. Far from being America's household helper, and industry's best chemical friend, chlorine is something we should stop using right now.In fact, on October 27, 1993 , the American Public Health Association unanimously passed a resolution urging American industry to stop using chlorine.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fluoride & the Brain


Here is a huge reason for you to protect your family by purchasing and installing a Kangen water system in your home or office.

1) Fluoride's ability to damage the brain represents one of the most active areas of research on fluoride toxicity today.
2) The research on fluoride and the brain has been fueled by 18 human studies from China, India, Iran, and Mexico finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure to be associated with IQ deficits in children. Fluoride's impact on IQ is exacerbated among children with low-iodine exposure.
3) The impact of fluoride on children's IQ has been documented even after controlling for children's lead exposure, iodine exposure, parental education and income status, and other known factors that might impact the results (Rocha-Amador 2007; Xiang 2003 a,b).
4) In addition to IQ studies, 3 studies (Yu 1996; Du 1992; Han 1989) have found that fluoride accumulates in the brain of the fetus, causing damage to cells and neurotransmitters and 1 study (Li 2004) has found a correlation between exposure to fluoride during fetal development and behavioral deficits among neonates.
5) Several recent studies have found that even adult exposures to fluoride may result in central nervous system disturbances, particularly among industrial workers.
5) The findings of neurological effects in fluoride-exposed humans is consistent with, and strengthened by, recent findings from over 40 animal studies published since 1992. As with the studies on humans, the studies on animals have reported an impairment in learning and memory prorcesses among the fluoride-treated groups.
6) The animal studies have also documented considerable evidence of direct toxic effects of fluoride on brain tissue, even at levels as low as 1 ppm fluoride in water (Varner 1998). These effects include:
-- reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
-- reduction in lipid content;
-- impaired anti-oxidant defense systems;
-- damage to the hippocampus;
-- damage to the purkinje cells;
-- increased uptake of aluminum;
-- formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer's disease);
-- exacerbation of lesions induced by iodine deficiency; and -- accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland.
Check out http://www.fluoridealert.org/ for more details, this is helpful information that explains why so many people suffer from neurological disorders.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Antioxidants block dangerous oxidation


One way to protect healthy tissue from the ravages of oxidation caused by active oxygen is to provide free electrons to active oxygen radicals, thus neutralizing their high oxidation potential and preventing them from reacting with healthy tissue.

Research on the link between diet and cancer is far from complete, but some evidence indicates that what we eat may affect our susceptibility to cancer. Some foods seem to help defend against cancer, others appear to promote it.

Much of the damage caused by carcinogenic substances in food may come about because of an oxidation reaction in the cell. In this process, an oddball oxygen molecule may damage the genetic code of the cell. Some researchers believe that substances that prevent oxidation -- called ANTIOXIDANTS -- can block the damage. This leads naturally to the theory that the intake of natural antioxidants could be an important aspect of the body's defense against cancer. Substances that some believe inhibit cancer include vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and gluthione (an amino acid). These substances are reducing agents. They supply electrons to free radicals and block the interaction of the free radical with normal tissue.

Water, The chemistry of life


Whenever we attempt to determine whether there is life as we know it on Mars or other planets, scientists first seek to establish whether or not water is present. Why? Because life on earth totally depends on water.

A High percentage of living things, both plant and animal are found in water. All life on earth is thought to have arisen from water. The bodies of all living organisms are composed largely of water. About 70 to 90 percent of all organic matter is water.

The chemical reactions in all plants and animals that support life take place in a water medium. Water not only provides the medium to make these life sustaining reactions possible, but water itself is often animportant reactant or product of these reactions. Inshort, the chemistry of life is water chemistry.

Types of water


We often call the earth "The Planet of Water"

Roughly 70% of its surface is covered with water. All living things on the planet rely on water for survival. We need to drink lots of water, but unfortunately most of the drinking water available to us is simply not healthy anymore. In some cases, our drinking water is dangerous to our health.

Tap Water

How do you feel about drinking 8 glasses of tap water each day? Chlorination makes tap water safe to drink but it can also react with organic compounds inside your body to produce toxic substances, especially in your colon. Small amounts of chlorine are added to our public drinking water supply to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. This amount of chlorine is small enough for us to drink but it can still kill bacteria and enzymes in our body essential to digestion.

During a shower, our bodies absorb roughly 2 glasses of this chlorinated water through our skin. We also inhale the mist and steam of this water while we shower. Nearly all tap water supplies contain large amounts of active oxygen (oxidants) and high positive ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) values. Having a high POSITIVE ORP means that tap water can be very oxidizing, or destructive to your body.

Purified Water Distilled Water and Reverse Osmosis

Distilled water and water purified by reverse osmosis may not have most pollutants and additives found in tap water, but it also lacks any minerals naturally found earth's water that are essential to our well being. These processes remove EVERYTHING from the water, including helpful minerals.

Since this water contains no minerals or life whatsoever, it leaches vital minerals and alkaline buffers from our bodies. Distilled water and reverse osmosis water have no energy or vitality at all and can contribute to an acidic state in our bodies.

Bottled Water (Including "Mineral Water")

You might think that bottled water is healthier than tap water. But in a four-year scientific study, The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) tested more than 1,000 bottles of 103 brands, a third of them were found to contain contaminants such as arsenic and carcinogens.

Recently, another shocking study showed that over time cancer-causing toxins such as dioxin leach into the water from the plastic bottle. Actually, a lot of the bottled "spring" waters are just filtered tap water put in a plastic bottle. These bottles often remain on store and factory shelves, unopened for months or even years.

Bottled water is essentially dead water. If you choose your water based on the package or the brand, you should know that some 95% of the price you are paying for that bottled water is covering other costs, such as packaging, advertising, distribution costs, rather than the water itself.

Yet, bottled water is so popular and available almost everywhere. As a result, the bottled water industry enjoys annual sales of more than $3.5 billion worldwide. 15 years ago people wouldn't spend $3-$5 per day on bottled water; these days they do.

Alkaline Ionized Water

Alkaline ionized water is by far the healthiest water available today. Decades of scientific and medical research have gone into its developement. It is produced by an in-home machine that first filters and then ionizes tap water. This process splits the water into its alkaline and acidic parts. The alkaline water is used for drinking. It has tremendous hydrating and antioxidant qualities, due in part to its smaller water clusters and abundance of extra electrons created by the ionization process.

Kangen Water - The Highest Grade of Alkaline Ionized Water

Kangen water has the strongest antioxidant power of any alkaline ionized water. The Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of Kangen water can reach up to -500mV, where most average ionized water reaches only around -150mV.

The difference is significant. As a matter of fact, regular Alkaline Ionized Water units are classified as "home health appliance," while Kangen Water units are in the "medical device" classification by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan, which is equivalent to the FDA in the U.S. Currently, out of 44 companies manufacturing ionized water generators, Only 6 of them make units certified as Kangen Water grade.

Enagic ONLY manufactures certified Kangen™ Water units. And its quality is considered by many as the best of the best in the industry.

The word "Kangen" "return to origin" in Japanese. A more general meanings would be "renewing" or "restoring". Drinking Kangen Water can help "renew" and "restore" a healthy balance in your life.

Get your life back with Kangen water


For Purchases, please contact us by email rockyhaire@hotmail.com

To purchase any Kangen Water machine, please email your full name, mailing address, and phone number to rockyhaire@hotmail.com and we will contact you shortly.After completing your order, we will have one of our salesman contact you with instructions on how to install your unit.

We will also have give you with instructions on how and when to drink your Kangen Water for your individual case.

After your order is complete, you will also receive all materials, dvds, and extraneous information to help you begin drinking your water for optimal results.

Ionized Alkaline Water


* DETOXIFICATION Ionized Alkaline Water helps to naturally flush toxins and acidic waste from your body and is a powerful antioxidant. Water is one of the best sources for detoxification.
* HYDRATION - during ionization your alkaline water filter forms your water into microclusters that are more easily absorbed at the cellular level thus "super hydrating" your body.
* OXYGENATION Ionized Alkaline Water makes more oxygen available to your cells than distilled, reverse osmosis, filtered only, bottled or tap water. Cancer doesn't thrive in an oxygenated body!!!!
* ALKALIZE YOUR BODY PH - Alkaline Ionized Water will help to optimize your body's pH. You could try to achieve an alkaline state with foods but alkaline water will turbo charge your efforts. As a result, it enables your body to better absorb and utilize nutrients, minerals and supplements.
* ENHANCE YOUR IMMUNE RESPONSE - All of the above allow your immune system to respond more appropriately and rapidly to it's many daily challenges.

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